Monday, January 12, 2009

Down 2 more

Well, as of today I'm down 2 more pounds since Friday. Yeah! This weekend was HARD...I'm mean yesterday at some point I wanted to gnaw my arm off. But, I withstood the temptation to eat everything/anything and worked through it. I think a small part of it may have been PMS, a larger part of it was I started the actual diet that is even more restrictive than what I was on all last week and my body was/is just in withdrawal. It was really a lot better today at work, being away from home and keeping busy helped. I had no idea how much I at during the day, especially if I was at home I was always snacking or cooking something. Honestly I kind of miss the cooking part...there is not much fun in grilling/broiling/baking fish, chicken, steak, etc. But, I'll get used to it and try to get more creative later on. I'm the creative cook trying appetizers, casseroles, and any other fat laden food. I love it all and it is a good thing that I do love a variety of foods because I actually like the large variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins that I can choose from. What do I miss you may ask?...the carbs! I'm not eating carb free, but compared to what I'm used to eating it pretty much is. 4 melba toast crackers doesn't compare with my (previous) afternoon snack of potato chips and dip or my morning ritual of cereal and biscuit/toast with butter and honey. I mean come on? So that is what my body is missing, but I guess it will get used to it. I just hope I can keep it up. Yesterday I was ready to quit, but I didn't. It's a small victory for me!


brenna said...

Keep going!! Don't give up!!

Lauren said...

That's so awesome! I feel like when you get through a day where you want to quit, and you don't even 'cheat', that's a HUGE victory!!!